Friday, June 26, 2009


Summer has always been my favorite time of year, even before I was a teacher. People tell you that the best thing about teaching is June, July and August, and oh it is sooooo true! Summer is all about sunshine (not a lot lately as June seems to be wet, wet, wet) . . . but back to the topic of sunshine! Sunshine rejuvinates me. It gives life and energy to this often tired, depressed soul. This past winter I even bought a therapeutic light to give me a pick me up (fake sunshine), and found it very helpful . . . so, yes I do need "the light"!

Summer also gives me time to evaluate my life. We all need a "reality check" from time to time. I also get to simply relax and enjoy the things I choose to do, it truly becomes Five O'Clock Somewhere every day! With the end of a school year and no thought of the next one until forced to do so, I can sit back and find that "balance" I always speak of.

Update from Summer 2009 . . . I have been sick since school was out, coughing, sneezing, runny nose . . . why? I thought this was summer? Who gets sick during the summer? It could be allergies (never had them), whooping cough (um, pretty sure I was supposed to be immunized against that) . . . you name it and my doctor keeps on treating it. I appreciate all the medicine coming my way but not when it make me sleepless or clouds my head, but I must get well!

Regardless of my physical state, I realize things are good in my life. I can recognize happiness and balance within my soul and am learning to work through some external issues out of my control. I am very blessed to be able to spend time with my kids, my husband, family, and good friends . . . they all truly help me see things from a different perspective and keep me motivated. I realize now more than ever that I will never get this time back with them, this summer, and so I have to enjoy it to the fullest (regardless of how I feel).

Ryan and Brady both have enjoyed swimming lessons, golfing, guitar lessons, cooking, card tricks, tv (of course), sleeping wherever they end up, getting up whenever our activity for the day requires and just relaxing at home in the same clothes, unbathed for many days in a row! And, they love it all!

My Lexi has been busy with sports' camps, I can see that her passion is basketball. Next year she just wants to play basketball and golf, she is slowing eliminating activities in her life. I think this is good, focus on a few things you do well and do not overwhelm yourself, too much stress in this world! It is hard to raise a 15 year old, oh I miss the days of diapers and binkies and something to contain her . . . a car sear, crib, anything! I see Lexi fighting an inner battle as she finds her place in the "scheme of life" . . . oh to be 15 again - Never! It is hard to see your child make mistakes or struggle with their circle of friends, and not step in and fix it all for them. I am thankful that natural consequences seem to be giving her some well needed perspective. Oh these times that try our souls . . . but, I can see they have brought me closer to her. I recognize that her value system is strong and she is guided by a good soul that wants to make the right choice, and more importantly because it is the right thing to do. It breaks my heart to think I only have a few more summers with her, she will start high school in the fall and get her license during the school year . . . then as we all know, she will soon be on her own!

As for summer plans? We all need something to write about when we go "back to school", so . . . I am looking forward to spending a few days in Lake Powell with the kids and Mike's family, a summer tradition that the kids will never let us out of, and thankfully so. In July, we have an Alaskian Cruise planned for seven days. This will be our first "major" (more than a few days) family vacation, and the first time my 15 year old has to wear a dress! There will be many wonderful memories to write about in these next few weeks and I am looking forward to it!

Thank you SummerTime!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree...Summer is by far the best...this year even better cause we have Aubree and Samantha...Love you guys!
